What is the best way to store bank statements? (2024)

What is the best way to store bank statements?

Quick Answer

What is the best way to keep our bank statement?

What is the best way to store bank statements? The best method involves digital storage for ease of access and physical storage for original documents in a secure, organized manner, such as in labeled folders in a fireproof cabinet.

How do you store bank statements?

For safety, it's best to keep any hard copy bank statements in a fireproof safe in a secure location. Electronic statements should be maintained in a password-protected file. Use password protection for electronic files. Hard copy statements should be kept in a secure, fireproof location that can be easily accessed.

What is the best way to store financial statements?

Bankers boxes are another storage option, but these are more susceptible to water damage. For your most important documents, a standard filing cabinet might not be enough. The use of a home safe may be a better option. Look for a safe that is fireproof and waterproof for maximum protection.

How far back should you keep bank statements?

Most financial experts say you should keep your bank statements in either digital or hard copy for at least one year. Once they've been in the filing cabinet (or your computer hard drive) for one year, you can finally shred the paper or press the delete button.

How long should I keep bank statements and credit card statements?


Keep either a digital or hard copy of your monthly bank and credit card statements for the last year. It's a good idea to keep your digital copies stored online if you choose to go paperless.

What is the safest way to send bank statements?

Password-protected Emails keep your financial information secure even if the recipient doesn't use end-to-end encryption. Just make sure you've shared the password with them via a different means of communication — or at least from a different email address.

What is the best format to download bank statements?

Most banks offer downloads in CSV file format, which you can upload directly into your Crunch account. If your bank doesn't offer this format, don't worry, simply download in another format, such as XLS and convert the file into a CSV.

How do you store paper documents long term?

Caring for Your Paper Documents
  1. Store papers in a cool, dry, dark environment.
  2. Heat and humidity can cause paper to become brittle or moldy, and light can cause fading or yellowing.
  3. Store papers in archival containers.
  4. Boxes, paper sleeves, folders, or mats should always be preservation quality.

Can I get 20 year old bank statements?

Old records may be destroyed after 20-30 years per bank policy. However, banks are not required to purge very old records and may still have the ability to retrieve them. Accessing archived records involves manually retrieving them from storage. This takes time and banks will charge fees to cover costs.

What is the most secure way to store documents?

Where to Keep Your Important Papers
  1. Wallet. You are, obviously, very limited in what you can keep in such a small space. ...
  2. Safe Deposit Box. You can rent a safe deposit at your bank or credit union for a small annual fee. ...
  3. Fireproof Home Box. ...
  4. Attorney. ...
  5. Out-of-Area Friend or Relative. ...
  6. Online or Digital Storage.

How do I protect my personal documents?

Tips for physical paperwork storage.
  1. Store documents in a waterproof container. ...
  2. Store similar categories of documents in the same place. ...
  3. Establish an intuitive filing system so that your papers are easier to find and access.
  4. Create electronic backup copies if applicable.

How do you keep personal records safe?

Best Practices:
  1. Combine physical, thumb/external hard drive and cloud storage.
  2. Don't keep originals and copies in the same location.
  3. Plan for portable storage in case of a disaster.
  4. Buy a fire and water-resistant bag.
  5. Limit copies of personal documents.
Aug 6, 2021

Do I need to keep bank statements for 7 years?

A good rule of thumb is to keep your monthly statements for the current year, and then shred them once you've reconciled them with an annual statement. The exception is any statement needed for tax purposes – those get grouped into the “keep for seven years” category.

How long should I keep utility bills?

Additional records such as statements, hospital bills, car repair bills, copies of prescriptions, etc. should be kept up to five years from the date the service was provided. Utility and phone bills: Shred them after you've paid them, unless they contain tax-deductible expenses.

How long should you keep household bills?

Keep for a year or less – unless you are deducting an expense on your tax return: Monthly utility/cable/phone bills: Discard these once you know everything is correct. Credit card statements: Just like your monthly bills, you can discard these once you know everything is correct.

How long should you keep bank statements and check registers?

With tax considerations in mind, here are suggestions that may make sense for many people. Credit card and bank account statements: Save those with no tax return usefulness for about a year, but those with tax significance should be saved for seven years.

What financial records should be kept for 7 years?

Save or Shred: How Long You Should Keep Financial Documents
  • Tax Documents. Keep tax-related records for seven years, McBride recommended. ...
  • Property Records. ...
  • Mortgages and Other Loans. ...
  • Bank Records. ...
  • Paycheck Stubs. ...
  • Credit Card Receipts and Statements. ...
  • Brokerage Statements. ...
  • Bills.
Jan 27, 2017

Should you shred old bank statements?

Bank statements and canceled checks. Even if they're old statements, they should be shredded. Your name, address, phone number, and bank account information are in those statements, along with your habits, purchases, and banking history.

How do you hide transactions on bank statements?

If you have a hard copy of your bank statement, you can redact your personal information using a black marker or pen to cover up the information you want to keep private. Simply black out the information you don't want to share, ensuring it's completely covered and unreadable.

Is it OK to send bank statements by email?

Yes, it is possible to email a bank statement to another person's email address, but it is important to ensure that the recipient is trustworthy and that the email is sent securely to prevent any potential fraud or identity theft.

Is it safe to email a PDF of a bank statement?

It is generally not safe to send your account statement to someone else, unless you trust them completely and have a valid reason to do so. Your account statement contains sensitive information, such as your account number, balance, transactions, fees, and personal details.

Can I download my bank statement as a spreadsheet?

While most banks now allow importing of bank statements directly into the CSV format, occasionally you may need to convert a PDF of a bank statement into a CSV file that can be opened with Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. The following websites can convert PDF files to CSV for free: Zamzar.

Should I download all my bank statements?

Bank statements are important to verify debit and credit activity. They should be kept in hard copy or electronic form for one year. Your bank will allow you to access your statements for at least one year online (most banks keep them for five years or more!)

What is the best way to store documents at home?

For documents you keep at home, or copies of documents in your safe deposit box, get a home safe. It should be fireproof and have a secure locking mechanism. A safe at home helps you keep these items safe from people you don't want accessing your personal information, as well as any emergencies, like fires or floods.


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Author: Terrell Hackett

Last Updated: 20/05/2024

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.